BirdDog Version 4.0

BirdDog™ Information Systems is pleased to announce the release of Version 4.0 of Remote Data Retrieval. This newest system, to which you automatically have access when you log into our host site, provides enhanced features that are certain to make you even more productive... such as a more streamlined and intuitive user interface, the ability for end-users to perform ad hoc changes to alarm settings, and layered administration. With layered administration, end-user organizations can assign BirdDog client administrators who, in turn, will be able to add/delete other enterprise users, set each user's rights (from read-only through full editing, including use of Demand Polling), reset user passwords, add/delete Morning Report recipients, and much more.

In addition to the BirdDog Remote Data Retrieval system functional enhancements, we've also deployed new security provisions to further complement our previously implemented use of an HTTPS website to provide full SSL encryption of your sensitive and proprietary information. These enhancements include the use of unique email addresses as User IDs, as well as stronger Password requirements with history restrictions and forced routine changes. As before, with just a single account User ID and Password, your log-in will provide direct access to all BirdDog SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) systems to which you have end-user rights. And as you add or remove systems from your user profile, the single sign-on process will automatically recognize those changes.

BirdDog Security Policy Change Alert

Security Policy Change Alert - For the enhanced security of BirdDog™ Information Systems users, effective November 11, 2013, User IDs will be unique email addresses and account password requirements will be strengthened. New passwords will need to be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least one each of the following characters: uppercase alphabetical; lowercase alphabetical; numeric; and “special” (such as @, &, _, #, etc.). At the appropriate time, you will be prompted during your BirdDog log-in to click on a webpage link that will provide more details and guide you through your password change process.

BirdDog System Support

  • Log-in and system support, including password resets, are available to customers on a 24x7 basis by calling, toll-free, 800-231-9741. During business hours (8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday), your call will be directed to the appropriate technical support or customer service team member.

  • During non-business hours, callers will be presented with a main menu which includes an option to reach system support and, if appropriate, to mark your message as “urgent” for an expedited response. Non-urgent support calls will be returned the next business day.

  • System support requests or questions may also be submitted via e-mail to

Coastal Flow Measurement Companies
Proving the Value of Quality
Service Since 1974


Safe Holidays!
Date: 12/12/2019

Holiday celebrations and family gatherings can be some of the most exciting times of the year for most people. It's estimated that over 90 million people will be traveling to celebrate with family and friends this season, and that means automobile travel increases significantly during December — and, unfortunately, so do traffic accidents. As part of your travel planning, we've listed a few safety tips which we hope will become part of your traditions…during the holidays and throughout the year.

Before you travel…
  • Be sure your vehicle is properly maintained, including a complete tire inspection;
  • Before you leave, map your route and plan for unexpected delays; check for major traffic events through the Internet or local TV and radio stations;
  • Have roadside assistance contact information in your car and readily available in case of an incident or emergency;
  • Make sure you have your cell phone charger with you or a means to request help without making a phone call; and
  • Get a good night's sleep before the day of travel.
As you travel…
  • Always use your safety restraints and make sure everyone in your vehicle is using theirs;
  • Look at least 15 seconds down the road as you drive to get a panoramic view of what's ahead, to allow you time to monitor the activity of those around you;
  • Maintain a safe following distance between you and other vehicles, with a minimum of 4 seconds of following distance and a 5-6 second following distance in inclement weather;
  • Keep your eyes moving at all times, with a check of your mirrors every 5-8 seconds, and always be aware of drivers approaching your blind spots;
  • Don't drink and drive — designate a driver or take a cab;
  • Eliminate dangerous distractions by making it a point to NOT text or email while driving, and if you must make a cell phone call, do so with a hands-free headset; and
  • It's worth repeating — Do NOT drink and drive. From 2007 to 2011, 14,318 people lost their lives during December and 29% (4,169) died in crashes that involved drivers with blood alcohol concentrations of .08 grams per deciliter or higher. (source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
From all of us at Coastal Flow to all of yours, we wish you a very happy and safe Holiday Season!!
“When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things - not the great
occasions - give off the greatest glow of happiness.”
~ Bob Hope


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Coastal Flow Measurement, Inc.
P.O. Box 58965 , Houston, TX, 77258-8965
Phone: 281.282.0622; Fax: 281.282.0792