BirdDog™ Information Systems is pleased to announce the release of Version 4.0 of Remote Data Retrieval. This newest system, to which you automatically have access when you log into our host site, provides enhanced features that are certain to make you even more productive... such as a more streamlined and intuitive user interface, the ability for end-users to perform ad hoc changes to alarm settings, and layered administration. With layered administration, end-user organizations can assign BirdDog client administrators who, in turn, will be able to add/delete other enterprise users, set each user's rights (from read-only through full editing, including use of Demand Polling), reset user passwords, add/delete Morning Report recipients, and much more. In addition to the BirdDog Remote Data Retrieval system functional enhancements, we've also deployed new security provisions to further complement our previously implemented use of an HTTPS website to provide full SSL encryption of your sensitive and proprietary information. These enhancements include the use of unique email addresses as User IDs, as well as stronger Password requirements with history restrictions and forced routine changes. As before, with just a single account User ID and Password, your log-in will provide direct access to all BirdDog SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) systems to which you have end-user rights. And as you add or remove systems from your user profile, the single sign-on process will automatically recognize those changes. |
Security Policy Change Alert - For the enhanced security of BirdDog™ Information Systems users, effective November 11, 2013, User IDs will be unique email addresses and account password requirements will be strengthened. New passwords will need to be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least one each of the following characters: uppercase alphabetical; lowercase alphabetical; numeric; and “special” (such as @, &, _, #, etc.). At the appropriate time, you will be prompted during your BirdDog log-in to click on a webpage link that will provide more details and guide you through your password change process. |
BirdDog™ Electronic Ticketing Service The BirdDog™ Electronic Ticketing Service (BETS™) is an extremely innovative and comprehensive system for the creation and distribution of delivery tickets as transfers are completed. This leading-edge system brings a robust solution to a long-time industry challenge in load transfer management. Load data may be easily entered through a hosted web-based system or the convenient BirdDog IS Mobile iOS app for iPhones and iPads. BETS can provide a simple, cost-effective approach for implementing electronic ticketing with an immediacy of communications, a full audit trail of activities, and a comprehensive database of transfer details…along with highly flexible data exports to meet all of your ad hoc requirements. The BETS system includes the following:
BETS offers an extremely flexible infrastructure through which new tickets may be entered and archived ticket information accessed across the web or via iOS mobile devices. This provides drivers with a very convenient way of entering transfer data anytime, anywhere. The BirdDog Electronic Ticketing Service is rapidly changing the way in which transfers are controlled, monitored, documented, and reconciled. By recording flow at the gathering or unloading point and making the information immediately available in electronic form, disputes can be readily resolved and transportation losses minimized…adding significant transparency and reconcilability to the process. Intuitive, user-friendly BirdDog Electronic Ticketing System input form & website Sample BETS ticket in PDF format, distributed by email in combination with a TFX file for Flow-Cal® Enterprise import (Click the image above to view or download the full-size PDF file version.) BETS represents a major technical and operational advance in managing load transfer tickets with measureable bottom-line benefits. By leveraging the immediacy of the Internet, the BirdDog Electronic Ticketing Service provides for the timely preparation and distribution of delivery tickets, along with web-based access to all archived tickets and reports. Please contact us for more information, a no- obligation discovery call with system demonstration, and pricing. If your company is still heavily dependent upon paper tickets for tracking and reconciling load transfers, now may be an excellent time to explore your options for a digital solution. |